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Free your mind.


What is hypnosis?

NLP coaches and healers have long known of the amazing power of the mind to control the body as well as to create behavior that moves us toward--or away from--those things we say we want. Thus, we all have great potential to change our lives to fulfill our desires. The trick is to tap into that potential. 


This is where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is an excellent method for an individual to connect with his or her unconscious mind and thus convert the potential for positive behavior change into reality, and to do so in a very short period of time.


We note that some people who would do very well with hypnosis are reluctant to avail themselves of its benefits due to negative preconceptions, many of them created by the entertainment industry. We start our sessions by informing our clients of the benefits and dispelling the false impressions about hypnosis. Only when the client is fully assured do we continue.

Image by Donald Giannatti

Is hypnosis right for me?

Hypnosis is very useful in weight release, smoking cessation, self-improvement, sports enhancement, improving memory and concentration, procrastination (although we have what we think is a better technique in NLP), and improving salesmanship, to name a few. We always tailor our coaching and therapy to match our clients’ needs.

Don’t expect to feel hypnotized. Do expect to feel relaxed.

Many people come thinking that there is something about trance that is markedly different from their “normal” state of consciousness. This is definitely not the case. A Light Trance will likely feel
no different from relaxation. Since trance is a normal, natural state, clients will likely feel a feeling of familiarity, no matter how deep in trance they go. 


If you are interested in creating significant change in a short period of time (as little as two sessions), we suggest you honor yourself and contact us today about hypnosis. You will be very glad you did!

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